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Working Certificates
Obtaining Working Certificates
Any AKC registered Labrador Retriever which successfully completes an LRC, Inc. WC Test is eligible to receive a Certificate.
LRC, Inc. Working Certificates may be obtained by writing (by post or by e-mail) to:
Julie Kirk
40803 E. Red Mountain Rd
Benton City WA 99320
509-521-5243 evenings
To receive an engraved LRC working certificate you must submit the following:
- A copy of your dog’s AKC registration papers
- Copies of AKC certificates for any additional AKC titles you wish to include on the Working Certificate
Any dog that has satisfactorily completed both a land and water series in a field trial licensed by The American Kennel Club, or has received a placement or judge’s award of merit in a field trial sanctioned by The American Kennel Club, has successfully completed an AKC Junior Hunter Title, or has achieved at least one (1) leg on a Senior or Master Hunter Title shall be deemed to have satisfied the working certificate requirements, or a signed statement from a qualified judge indicating that the dog has passed the LRC, Inc. Working Certificate requirements.
A check for $ 25.00 payable to LRC, Inc.