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Versatile Producer of Merit Awards

LRC Versatile Producer of Merit Award for Sires and Dams

A versatile Labrador Retriever is one that can embrace a variety of challenges, fields, or skills and turn with ease from one venue to another. The Sires and Dams that consistently produce such versatile offspring shall be recognized by the Labrador Retriever Club by offering a Versatile Producer of Merit Award.


To recognize Labrador Retrievers whose offspring have been judged to demonstrate:


To provide incentives to owners of Labrador Retrievers to exhibit in all AKC venues open to retrievers so there will be more multi-titled Labrador Retrievers.

  • To motivate breeders to encourage puppy buyers to train and exhibit their dogs in AKC events
  • To recognize and honor Labrador retrievers that produce offspring that comply with the Breed Standard, can perform successfully in the field and can also perform successfully in at least one other AKC venue
  • To demonstrate to the public the versatility of the breed


Because they are producers, VPM Nominees must be enrolled in the OFA CHIC database and be dilute clear (DD). 

  • All Offspring must be tested and proven dilute clear.
  • Each qualifying Offspring must accumulate a total of 25 points, 15 of which must come from Principal Accomplishments (Conformation and Field).
  • Nominees must have two qualifying Offspring that have accomplished the Principal and Other Accomplishments as listed below.
  • One owner of the Nominee must be a member in good standing with the LRC Inc.

Principal Accomplishments (Conformation and Field)

The Offspring must demonstrate compliance with the Breed Standard, either by earning a breed Championship title, conformation points, or an LRC Conformation Certificate.

The Offspring must also demonstrate ability in the field, either by earning a retriever hunt test title, a retriever field trial title or points, or an LRC Working Certificate.

Other Accomplishments

The offspring must demonstrate an ability to earn at least one other title from the list in the Point Schedule in at least one of the following AKC venues: obedience, rally, tracking, agility, or scent work

Titles and Certificates

Titles that qualify Offspring must be earned in AKC regular titling events in the Conformation, Performance and Companion venues.

Certificates that qualify Offspring include only the LRC Conformation Certificate and the LRC Working Certificate.

Only titles or certificates explicitly listed in the Point Schedule will count towards Offspring meeting the qualification requirements, unless and until the VPM Committee approves those other titles or certificates for addition to the program.

Points are deliberately weighted higher for advanced titles to encourage participation at the higher levels and to recognize those accomplishments accordingly. Points for AKC titles can continue to accrue over the lifetime of the Offspring.

Application Process         

  1. Complete the application (see link below)
  2. Ensure that at least one of the owners of the Nominee is a member in good standing of the LRC, Inc.
  3. Provide proof of all Offspring titles by including a copy of the AKC Points Progression Record.
  4. Provide copies of all Offspring certificates.
  5. Provide proof that the Offspring are tested dilute clear.
  6. Submit the application, proof of titles, dilute clear documentation and a check for $25, payable to LRC, Inc to the VPM program coordinator listed on the application or pay via this QR code.

Point Schedule

Points are deliberately weighted higher for the advanced titles to encourage people to continue training their dogs after obtaining a basic title, and to recognize the dogs that are able to attain the higher degrees.

Points for AKC titles will continue to accrue over the lifetime of the sire/dam, if owners submit new titles as they are earned.

VPM Title Holders – Dams

548 – Fawnhaven’s The Sorceress – SR03254306 – Barb & Don Ironside, Darlene Pado

CH Reimur’s Juz Fulla Myself CDX RE MH – SR40593501
Reimur Juz Crashin’ Thru UD RAE TDX JH CC – SR40593507
(+177 pts from CH Fawnhaven Celtic Woman O’Reimur RN JH WC – SR40593502)

457 – Dutch Hollow Storm Cat CD SH AWC (pointed) – SN79265702 – Sandy McMillan

Dutch Hollow’s Silver Lining TDX MH WC CC – SR36419502
Dutch Hollow’s City Slicker RA TD JH WC (major pointed) – SR36419503
Dutch Hollow’s Charismatic CD RE MH (pointed) – SR05930703
Dutch Hollow’s Mighty Quinn CDX OA TD RE JH AX SWN CC – SR50327205

410 – Rhumbline’s Topsail Sloop BN RN SH OA OAJ CC – SR34224901 – Susan & Joe Carpenter

Rhumbline’s Song Of The Sea UD RN JH SWA (pointed) – SR66315103
OTCH RACH Rhumbline’s Guiness’ Dream Chaser @ Willowdale UDX OM RM RAE JH WC CC – SR74308602 

304 – GCH CH Dutch Hollow’s Simply Charming CD RA TDX MH WC – SR64724701 – Sandy McMillan

Dutch Hollow’s Simply Because TD JH WC CC (ptd) – SR84412203
Dutch Hollow’s Encore TDX OA JH WC CC – SR84412207
CT Dutch Hollow’s Classic Clipper CDX RN RE MH TDX JH CC – SS07308002
Dutch Hollow’s Simply Overjoyed RN JH (ptd) – SS07308001

281 – CH Snowden Hill Mango Crazy RA JH WC – SR09552203 – Robin Anderson, Gerrie Owren

CH Grampian Lola Tortola Viking CD RA JH WC – SR30508608
CH Grampian Bedizened Viking CD RA MH WC – SR30508609
Grampian Raptor Mystique CD RAE WC CC – SR30508601

257 – Windycanyon’s Kiku A Fuji Too CDX RE JH CC – SR55653204 – Anne Swindeman (new in 2022)

Windycanyon’s Lethal Weapon CD RA WC CC – SR77204003
RACH Windycanyon Y-Nott Brown UD RM RAE TD SH WC CH-ptd

246 – Pleasant Pine’s Mischief Maker CDX JH – SN36054504 – Karen & Richard Kennedy

Pleasant Pine’s Making A Mark UD RA SH CC – SN89505808
Pleasant Pines A Bitof Mischief CDX MH CC – SR10735901

223 – Wintercamp Bluebonnet Melody UD RE JH OA – SR31500901 – Rhonda Miller

Wintercamp’s Viola Vainglory JH OA CC – SR64214802
MACH Wintercamp’s Elysian Heartsease RE JH MX CC – SR64214801

182 –  CH Fawnhaven Celtic Woman O’Reimur JH RN WC – SR40593502 – Barb & Don Ironside, Darlene Pado

(CH Hyspiresurshot Juz Bcuz Im Hot x Fawnhaven’s The Sorceress* WC)
CH Reimur’s Good Humor Man CD RA JH WC – SR70618903
Reimur’s Marge Simpson CD RE JH CC – SR70618901

144 – Justamere Arwen CD SH RE CC – SR06402907- Marcia Talon

Justamere Fleur-De-Lis CD RE WC CC – SR31571101
Justamere Jack O’ The Green RAE JH CC – SR49473005
Justamere Jazz Singer CD RE JH CC – SR49473004

116 – GCHB CH Viking Hil’Die Tanzbarin CD RA MH – SR22474901 – Robin Anderson

Grampian Viking Aspen X-Treme! CD RA WC CC – SR69882203
Grampian Hickory’s Crimson H20dragon UD RE JH CC – SR47371006 

114 – WINDYCANYON’S NORTHERN SPY CDX RA JH OA OAJ CC – SR23819906 – Anne Swindeman

Windycanyon’s Envy CDX RE JH CC – SR53359105
Windycanyon’s Sweetango CD RA JH CC – SR61522704

VPM Title Holders – Sires

491 – Ch Hyspiresurshot Juz Bcuz Im Hot – SR18090604 – Janis Granneman (new in 2021)

CH Reimur’s Juz Fulla Myself CDX RE MH – SR40593501
CH Fawnhaven Celtic Woman O’Reimur RN JH WC – SR40593502
CH Reimur Tidesin At Mustardseed RN JH – SR40593503
Reimur Juz Crashin’ Thru UD RAE TDX JH CC– SR40593507