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Purina Parent Club Partnership
Nestle Purina instituted a unique program in 2002 when it began to look ‘outside the box’ to help with the future health and well being of our beloved Labradors. The Purina® Parent Club Partnership is a program that enables national parent breed clubs to earn funding for canine health studies, education and/or rescue work. Since the PPCP Program began in 2002, more than $8 million has been raised for canine health research, education and rescue efforts!
To participate in the PPCP, you must be a member of the Purina Pro Club. You do not need to be a member of the Labrador Retriever Club. You also must declare your participation in the program and specify that the Labrador Retriever Club will receive credit as a result of your receipts you submit for purchases of eligible Purina dog foods.

Money is divided, according to participation, between the breed club and the AKC Canine Health Foundation. The monies going to the AKC CHF are earmarked for a donor-advised fund that is directed by each national club so that research can be targeted to issues specific to that breed. The other monies are available to the national club for use in education, rescue and/or funding additional research. It is important to note that the AKC CHF will match the funds received by them up to 100% and this greatly increases the opportunity to fund breed-specific research.
How Has the Labrador Retriever Club Benefited Thus Far?
During 2022, the total monies generated from active members of the Purina Parent Club Partnership program for the LRC, Inc. was $18,970.87 which was sent directly to the Parent Club and the other 50% has been sent to the CHF (Canine Health Foundation) specific for research to benefit Labrador Retrievers. This is a significant donation to health research! Thank you all!
LRC was among the initial clubs to recognize the PPCP as a worthwhile program that would benefit the future of our breed. Please encourage fellow Lab lovers to declare for our breed and turn in those receipts so that our wonderful dogs can benefit.
As there are approximately two Pro Club members, declared for Labrador Retrievers, to every one that redeems, there is a great opportunity to increase the amount of monies dedicated to improving our breed.
Requently Asked Questions on How PPCP Works and How Will it Help Our Labs
1. Does the Labrador Retriever Club distribute a membership list to the PPCP?
No, all participation in the program is voluntary and each Pro Club member must declare for the breed of their choice. This declaration can be done by current Pro Club members by notifying Pro Club at 1-877-PROCLUB or
2. Will I lose points when I send in my purchase receipts for redemption to the Purina Pro Club?
No, the donation to the parent club is in addition to the normal Pro Club redemption value.
3. Do I have to keep up with the credit that is going to my breed club?
No, that record keeping is automatically handled by the Pro Club.
4. What percentage is being designated for the Labs or any other breed club?
Ten per cent of the value of the Pro Club redemption is donated to the designated parent club. For example, for every $100.00 worth of receipts submitted by a Pro Club member, $10.00 will be donated to the LRC. This amount is divided evenly between the club and the AKC Canine Health Foundation donor-advised fund.
5. Can I designate another breed, or change my designation?
Yes, you may change your choice once a year if you choose to do so.
6. How do I declare my participation?
There are several ways. You may declare either online (, call 1-877-776-2582 or sign up at a Purina sponsored dog show.
7. What happens to the portion that goes to the AKC Canine Health Foundation?
Up to 100 percent of the donation will be matched by the Canine Health Foundation if it meets funding guidelines. The Foundation provides research funding for breed-specific health conditions as well as health conditions that affect all breeds. This money goes into a donor-advised fund that is directed by the LRC to address health issues of the Labrador Retriever.