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Past National Specialties
2023 LRC National Specialty
October 1-8, 2023
Chehalis, WA
In conjunction with our local regional clubs, MT. Rainier Labrador Retriever Club and Puget Sound Labrador Retriever Association

THANK YOU to all who joined us in WASHINGTON STATE!
Click on links below for results from our National Specialty 2023.
Click here to access results for All Conformation, Obedience and Rally at the 2023 Nationals.
Click here to access results for Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. Scent Trials
Click here to access results for the Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. Hunt Tests
2021 LRC National Specialty Results

Event Trophies & Awards
National Specialty Trophies
Please consider sponsoring a class and advertise your kennel or commemorate a favorite dog. You will be listed here on the website and in the catalog. Click on the Sponsorship Available link to send an email to the Trophy Chair to sponsor a class. The cash donation for a National Specialty conformation class is $50 (special awards denoted by an asterisk* are $100); and $30 for each Companion Dog Event class. All Companion Dog Event class sponsorships will cover all days.
Parent Club Specialty Trophies
The Parent Club Specialty is designed to be a one day simplified conformation competition prior to the National Specialty. Please consider sponsoring a class and advertise your kennel or commemorate a favorite dog. You will be listed here on the website and in the catalog. Click on the Sponsorship Available link to send an email to the Trophy Chair to sponsor a class. The cash donation for a Parent Club Specialty class is$25.00, or $50.00 for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex and Best of Winners.
Dog For All Reasons Program
This recognizes dogs who compete in Conformation and two of the following with a qualifying score in one: Obedience/Rally, the Hunting Retriever Test, Tracking, or Agility, or who places in Conformation and competes in two of the following: Obedience/Rally, the Hunting Retriever Test, Tracking or Agility, not necessarily qualifying in any of them.