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Recommended Readings
- The New Owner’s Guide to the Labrador Retriever by Mary Feazell. Published by TFH Publications, Inc.
- The Official Book of the Labrador Retriever by the Labrador Retriever Club and TFH Publications.
- Good Owners, Great Dogs by Brian Kilcommons & Sarah Wilson
- Dogs by Raymond & Lorna Coppiner
- How To Talk To Your Dog by Jean Craighead George
- The New Complete Labrador Retriever by Helen Warwick
- The Book of the Labrador Retriever by Anna Katherine Nicholas
- This is the Labrador Retriever by Nancy Martin
- The New Labrador Retriever by Janet Churchill
- The Labrador Retriever: The Dog That Does It All by Lisa Weiss & Emily Biegel
- Eye for a Dog: Illustrated Guide to Evaluating Purebred Dogs. Robert Cole
- The History of Retriever Field Trials in America: The Early Years 1931-1941 by Fred Kampo and Carolyn McCreesh. Contact Fred Kampo at or 920-378-5396
- The History of Retrievers by Charles C. Eley
- Animals Make Us Human by Temple Grandin
- Animals in Transition by Temple Grandin
- If A Dog’s Prayers were Answered, Bones Would Rain from the Sky by Suzanne Clothier. This is based on understanding behavior to help deepen relationships with dogs.
The majority of these books are available through or
Library Links
- The American Kennel Club
- Orthopedic Foundation for Animals
- PennHip website at the University of Pennsylvania
- Eye Certification Registry
- Bird Dog Foundation
- Working Retriever Central
- CPR and the canine “Heimlich” maneuver
- Dog Care from Day One
- Sporting and Animal Owners Voting Alliance (protecting your right to own, and hunt over, your Labrador Retrievers!)