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Getting a Puppy
Looking for a Puppy? Learn more here.
- Download the Puppy Guide Flyer
- Selecting a Puppy – Advice from the LRC
- Christmas Puppies
- Labradoodles
- Minature Labs
- English vs. American Labs
- Pointing Labs
- Puppy Auctions
- Origin & Purpose of the Lab
- The Issue of the Silver Lab
First, Choose the Breeder
Beware of breeders who:
- Don’t provide health clearances on the parents. Don’t take a breeder’s word for it; get the parents’ registered names and look up their health clearances on or ask to see the paperwork on the clearances
- Sell multiple breeds or seem to have many litters on the ground at once
- Don’t provide AKC-registered pedigrees upon request
- Sell puppies before they are 7 weeks old
- Won’t allow you to see their facility or meet the parents (Note: it’s not unusual for the sire to be off-site)
- Seem more focused on getting a deposit than asking YOU questions
A quality breeder will:
- Care more about finding the right homes than making a quick sale
- Interview you about your home environment, who will care for the dog, previous dogs you have owned, etc.
- Be knowledgeable about the breed’s health, drive and temperament
- Be able to tell you what charcteristics they were looking for in the breeding
When looking at the puppies:
Does the puppy appear healthy? A good healthy puppy will have clear, shiny eyes that are free from discharge. Its coat will be glossy with a minimum of flaking skin. It should be alert and playful. How about its littermates and the dam? Look around at others in the litter, all should appear healthy and well fed. It is also wise to consider the cleanliness of the puppy’s surroundings. Look around for any fecal matter that may not have been removed yet. Is the stool well-formed or sloppy? A clean environment and robust family of dogs are very good signs!
How is the mother’s temperament? If the sire and dam are present, how do they behave? A surprising amount of behavior is inherited. Also, the puppies’ environments have a great deal to do with their personalities. The parents may be one of the best indications of the future temperament of your new puppy.
Have the parents’ hips and elbows been radiographed (X-RAYED)? Hip and elbow dysplasias are potentially crippling abnormalities of joint formation that, unfortunately, do occur in this breed. While there are several factors involved in joint dysplasias, it is well known that these are at least partly inherited. It may take several years for the painful arthritis associated with hip and elbow dysplasia to become apparent, but the joints can be checked by x-ray examination before breeding. Making sure that both parents, and as many of their relatives as possible, are radiographically free of hip and elbow dysplasia will help you to avoid this sad condition.
Have the parents had their eyes examined? Unfortunately, again, some Labradors may have inherited eye defects that could lead to vision loss. Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) is a disease in which blindness will gradually develop. Subtle changes in the appearance of the retina (part of the inside of the eye) can indicate that tendency. Retinal Dysplasia is generally a non-progressive eye disease that causes varying degrees of poor eye-sight, but rarely total blindness. Juvenile Cataracts are spots of abnormal coloration deep within the lens. They generally do not affect vision and are non-progressive. Only veterinarians with special training (Ophthalmologists) and special interests in eye diseases may be able to give an authoritative opinion on the health of the eyes of your puppy’s parents.
If interested, does this puppy have show, field, hunting, or obedience potential? Even with outstanding pedigrees, not every puppy will have the qualities sought after in the show ring, field or obedience ring. If you’re not sure, ask other breeders for opinions and advice. Check the pedigrees for the blending of lines that will produce the best possible animal.
Ask the breeder for health records such as:
- A certificate of vaccination stating what vaccines it has already received and when, and by whom. For adequate protection, puppies need a series of vaccinations. Check with your own veterinarian for advice.
- When was the puppy dewormed and what was the drug used?. If the puppy was not dewormed, was a fecal exam done? The breeder can answer whether or not the dam or other litters have had problems with worms.
What type and brand of food, how much, and how often? The breeder will usually recommend a food and feeding program. It is important not to over-feed nor under-feed a growing puppy!
Heartworm is spread from dog to dog by mosquitoes. The puppy should be placed on heartworm preventative at an early age, and maintained on this medicine each year throughout mosquito season. Work with your vet to start your puppy on heartworm and flea and tick medication.
What are the terms of the health guarantee (if any)? Have your new puppy examined by your veterinarian as soon as possible after you pick it up to assure its good health.
Here are some websites you can consult to find a breeder:
- AKC Marketplace
- Entry Express Classifieds (requires sign in)
- Retriever Results Classifieds
- LRC Breeder Search
Christmas Puppies
Puppies are not good holiday gifts… Each year ads bombard us with images of adorable puppies wrapped in red bows waiting under the tree for excited children who will shower them with love and attention. But during the hectic holidays, this may not be reality.
Santa knows better! A puppy may not be the perfect holiday gift.
If you are considering giving a puppy this holiday season, please reconsider. Experts give the following reasons for waiting until after the holidays to bring a new dog into your life. Puppies are not something you should decide to get on an impulse. They are a lifetime responsibility that generally live anywhere from eight to fourteen years, depending upon the breed.
If you’re thinking of giving a puppy to a friend, keep in mind that it’s always best for people to pick out their own pets. Adult size, appetite, disposition and amount of grooming required must be carefully considered.
Puppies require constant attention. During the holidays, many people are too busy to keep an eye on the new puppy to ensure that it does not get in harms way with holiday decorations, plants, and other hazards that may injure them or make them sick. It is hard to find moments in an already full schedule for training, comforting and loving an insecure puppy who needs reassurances in his new surroundings away from siblings and birth home for the first time. Overexcited children may scare the puppy or neglect it, especially if it chews new presents or has an accident on the rug.
To symbolize the gift of a dog to come, you may want to put a stuffed toy dog in a dog’s bed beneath the tree or wrap other dog-related gifts such as AKC’s The Complete Dog Book For Kids or The Complete Dog Book and a dog bowl, brush and comb. Once the holidays are over, give the owner-to-be the opportunity to research the breed of dog that best suits their preferences and lifestyle. Then together you can bring the puppy home.
Designer Dogs
It is the opinion of the Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. that a silver Labrador is not a purebred Labrador Retriever. The pet-owning public is being duped into believing that animals with this dilute coat color are desirable, purebred and rare and, therefore, warrant special notoriety or a premium purchase price.
- Silver Labs (see more here)
- Pointing Labrador Retrievers
- Minature Labradors
- English vs. American Labrador Retrievers
- Labradoodles
Puppy Auctions
It has become increasingly popular among non-profit organizations to offer Labrador Retriever puppies ‘for sale’ at auctions as a means of raising funds for the organization. The Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. opposes Labrador Retrievers being donated and sold at auction for any purpose, charitable or otherwise.