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Conformation Certificate Program
Offered by The Labrador Retriever Club, Inc.
The Conformation Certificate offered by the Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. is a non-competitive conformation evaluation program open to all Labrador Retrievers, including spayed and neutered dogs.
A Conformation Certificate will be awarded to any Labrador Retriever over (1) one year of age that passes a conformation examination sanctioned by the LRC, Inc. and officiated by an approved American Kennel Club conformation judge or provisional for the the breed.

Labrador Retriever specialty sweepstakes judges or Sporting Group judges for American Kennel Club events are also eligible to officiate. Labradors will be judged in accordance with the Standard and it is hoped that exposure to such evaluations will help to promote an awareness of desirable Labrador Retriever breed type.

The evaluation should demonstrate that a dog possesses the basic attributes of a Labrador Retriever. The Evaluation Sheet contains nine (9) conformation and temperament categories for a judge to consider on a numerical basis. Each dog will be scored in each category using the one (1) through three (3) point system described.
To receive a Conformation Certificate a dog is required to have a total score of eighteen (18) or better and demonstrate in the mind of the judge a sixty-five (65) percent likelihood of conforming to the characteristic as described in the Standard. To assist in determining if a dog is worthy of receiving a CC, a judge should consider the following:
- Does the dog possess the basic attributes of a Labrador Retriever?
- Would the dog under examination exhibit a majority of breed characteristics?
- Would the dog under examination be excused for lack of merit?
- Does the dog possess any disqualifying characteristics?
General disqualifications apply, such as: freedom from lameness, blindness, deafness or change by artificial means. Dogs noted to possess a disqualifying fault shall not receive a Conformation Certificate. Disqualifying faults should be noted on the score sheets and all score sheets must be returned to the Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. Program Coordinator.
Special Notice
Effective July 1, 2021 all Labradors applying for the Conformation Certificate Evaluation will be required to show proof by DNA certificate or similar DNA verification document that the Labrador to be evaluated is tested dilute gene clear. Please be advised DD DNA verification is required; clear by parentage will not be accepted.
Dogs that have not passed a Conformation Certificate examination at a prior event are eligible to participate in subsequent evaluations unless disqualifications are noted at three separate examinations by any combination of three different judges. Participants should be aware that, like the Working Certificate, not all dogs entered will qualify for a Conformation Certificate.
The Conformation Certificate is not an official title, but should be considered an accomplishment similar to the LRC, Inc. Working Certificate. It is an opportunity for owners of Labrador Retrievers who are not interested and/or familiar with competitive conformation events to have their dogs evaluated and recognized as having basic Labrador Retriever conformation characteristics.
Conformation Certificate examinations are designed to be held in conjunction with performance events such as hunt tests, field trials or agility and obedience trials. An unofficial Premium List should be sent to prospective participants, however additional participants may be allowed to enter at the time of the event if they choose. While the program is under evaluation, The Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. will be solely responsible for conducting all Conformation Certificate evaluation events. A fee to cover judge’s expenses or the cost of arranging for this event may be charged.
For Judges
The Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. urges all judges to reread the Standard of the breed carefully before each event. Conformation Certificate judges should consider carefully those unique characteristics that define a Labrador Retriever when making CC evaluations. Judges are required to sign an Affirmation Statement. Like a dog show, judges should faithfully and impartially take on this task. Copies of the Standard will be available for judges and participants before evaluations begin.

Judges are free to conduct the examination of dogs by any means they so desire and, as a means of education, should be prepared to give a verbal explanation of their decision to each handler if requested and time permits. Should a judge feel more comfortable with conducting the evaluation in a traditional show ring setting, adopting the same movement patterns, participants must be prepared to comply with this format. Judges are free to conduct examinations as formally or as informally as they like. However, dogs’ names and breeding should remain unknown to the judge until after the event. We urge that judges keep the event casual and, if appropriate, make suggestions to handlers so they show each dog to its best advantage.
Overall, this should be a less formal event than a licensed dog show. Casual clothing for handlers and judges is appropriate. When an evaluation is held in conjunction with a hunt test or field trial consideration will be given for animals that may have just performed in the field and handlers need not change clothing.
Participants whose dog has passed a Conformation Certificate evaluation will receive a Conformation Certificate from the Program Coordinator. As this is not an AKC official title it cannot be included as part of your dog’s official name, but it can be listed as an accomplishment. Upon verification of qualification, a certificate will be issued.
Conformation Certificate Program Coordinator:
Nancy Brandow,
Send e-mail :
Conformation Certificate Recipients
2019 LRC, Inc National Specialty, October 10, 2019, Prado Dog Park, Chino, CA
- Sundancer’s Fat Bottom Girls, SR98101310 Bitch. Owner: Theresa & Alyx Tuttle
- Colindy’s On A Wing And A Prayer RN CA DJ CGC TKN, SR99373405 Bitch. Owner: Helen Wilson & Elaine DeLucia & Janet Schoonover
- Justes B La Joie De Vivre, SS02213207 Bitch. Owner: Marcia & Johm Lucas
- Winroc Doncha Tip the Apple Cart BN RI CGC, SR91703302, Owner: Beth Baily
- Journeyman Wanderlust Roaming With Heart RAT1 RATO CZ88 CGCA CGCV TKI, SS07819801, Owner: Jennifer Bailey & Debra Quast
- Elkens Brady Sizzling Red Hot Habanero, SR86572107, Owner: Dorene R Dias
- Sealion’s Lifeline SR, 61866901, Owner: Wendy Pennington
- Sealion’s Priceless, SR88916203, Owner: Wendy Pennington
- Sealion’s Visa Black, SR88916204, Owner: Wendy Pennington
- QuailChase Here’s the Story CD BN RAE FD NA NAJ RATO DNA, SR6182201, Owner: Judie Niece
- Good Grief Charlie Brown CDX BN RAE CA AX MXJ ONYX RATCH SCN TKP CGCA CGCU FD DSX3 AJ DJ PAL252254, Owner: Judie Niece
- Rhumbline’s Perfect Storm SR89069604, Owner: Jeri Embrey
Puget Sound Labrador Retriever Assoc Conformation Certificate, June 30, 2019
- WindyCanyon’s Pippin, BN, RI, Owner: Anne Swinderman
- Winroc Winsome Winnifred, Owner: Anne Swinderman
- Stonehouse Bonfire at Bray, BN, RI, CGC, Owner: Nancy Roy
- Sunnydaze St. Bridgets Fire, Owner: Nancy Roy
- WindyCanyon’s Its Only Money Honeycrisp, Owner: Anne Swinderman
- Stonehouse’s Packin Heat, Owner: Kimberly Hayes
Labrador Retriever Club Supported Entry at Penobscot Valley Kennel Club Conformation Certificate, June 23, 2019
- Cedarwood’s Amarillo Rose, Owner: Nancy Brandow
- Cedarwood’s Toastin’ Good Thyme, Owner: Nancy Brandow
2019 Labrador Retriever Club of the Pioneer Valley, June 9, 2019
- Majestx’s Onyx Odyssey at Holly Farm, Owner: Deb Brunell
- Candyacres Lady Hawke Sparkle SS00207301, Owner: Gayle Abrams
2015 National Amateur Retriever Championship, June 13, 2015, Polson, MT
- FC-AFC In The Hunt Farm’s Executive Sweet, CC (Sweet), LF Thomas & Linda Bogusky
- FC-AFC Keeno’s Gizmo, CC (Gizmo), LM Bruce & Betty Hall
- FC-AFC-CAFC Jaybar American Idol, CC (Reuben), LM Barbara & Jerry Younglove
- FC-AFC Roux’s Blackthorn Banshee, CC (Alli), LF Ellen McNeill
- FC-AFC Rebel Ridge Cosmic Rise ‘N Fall MH, CC (Tide), LM Jeff Lyons & Madelyn Yelton
- FC-AFC Drake’s Bay Parting Of The Sea, CC (Moses), LM Bill & Judy Landau
- AFC Ms Micro Doodle Dandy, CC (Micro), LF Thomas & Linda Bogusky
- AFC Bowmans Dreamin Of Retrievin, CC (Reba), LF Tom Fait
- FC-AFC Contempt Of Court, CC (Ruckus), LM Susan Bledsoe
- “Dizzy”, CC. Cynthia Howard
2014 LRC, Inc National Specialty, October 2014, Gettysburg, PA
- Casbar’s Country At Hart CGC Dog. Breeder: Diane Ammerman. Owner: Alisa Zimmerman-Daum,
- Cedarwood’s Devil Went Down to Georgia Bitch. Breeder: Nancy R. Brandow. Owner: Nancy R. Brandow
- Canvasback Kona Meridian Delight RN MX MXJ OF Bitch. Breeder: Jane Bailey & Elizabeth Lloyd. Owner: Roberta Primeau
- Deep Run Here We Go Again JH CGC Dog. Breeder: Phyllis Giroux. Owner: Deborah Alls
- Big Thunders Texas Terror RN JH Dog. Breeder: Jennifer C. White. Owner: Jennifer C. White
- RockyCreek’s Breaking the Mold CDX BN PCD GN RN OA OAJ NF Dog. Breeder: Kathryn Mines & Janice Mines. Owner: Cheryl Matthews.
- Rocky Creek’s Making the Grade VCD3 UDX OM1 VER RAE JH NFP Breeder: Kathryn Mines. Owner: Cheryl Matthews.
- Chilbrook High Hope Breeder: Luanne Gettman. Owner: Debby Kay.
- Chilbrook Scarborough Fair Breeder: Debby Kay. Owner: Debby Kay.
- Chilbrook Texas Rose Bitch. Breeder: Brent Brooks. Owner: Debby Kay.
- Brookhaven’s Winter Sea Star Zayle Breeder: Sharlene Pittman & Bonnie Anthony & Tim Pittman. Owner: Kimberly Ward.
- MACH Grand River Run Genaration UD RAE MXS MJS OF CL-1 Dog. Breeder: Connie Bowen & Gayle Sotka. Owner: Ann Smorado & David Smorado.
- Rhumbline’s Guiness’ Dream Chaser @ Willowdale Dog. Breeder: Susan Carpenter & Susan Johnson & Daniel Johnson. Owner: Jane Frantz.
- Pinebank’s Encore Performer TD Dog. Breeder: Susan L. Bell. Owner: Laura McKay.
- Sophie Aubrey Richter Bitch. Breeder: Catherine Greene. Owner: Gayle Richter & Ruth Deininger.
- Cabin Creek Run Like Smoke N’ Oakum MX MXJ Dog. Breeder: Catherine Greene & Camilla Adams. Owner: Gayle Richter & Ruth Deininger.
- Willow Dale’s Winds of a New Dawn of Hi-IQs Dog. Breeder: Jane Frantz. Owner: Joanne J. Baum.
- About Time Ben UD SH MXJ AX OF RE CGC Dog. Breeder: Gannon E. Abbott. Owner: Jennifer Marenich.
- Ironpaws Westshore Meant To Be CGC Dog. Breeder: Timothy & Ann White. Owner: Jennifer & William Marenich.
- Rhumbline’s Gyro Compass MH QA2 Bitch. Breeder: Susan Carpenter. Owner: Susan Carpenter.
- Rhumbline’s Tramp Steamer JH CGC Bitch. Breeder: Susan Carpenter. Owner: Susan Carpenter.
- Rhumbline’s Grand Banks Schooner RN SH CGC Bitch. Breeder: Susan Carpenter. Owner: Susan Carpenter.
- Rhumbline’s Dangerous Cargo SH CGC Bitch. Breeder: Susan Carpenter. Owner: Susan Carpenter.
- Rhumbline’s Boxing The Compass Bitch. Breeder: Susan Carpenter. Owner: Susan Carpenter.
- Zoey’s Zoomer RN Bitch. Breeder: Ashley Ludema. Owner: Kevin & Heather Christopherson
- Augustus Treasure Serenity Dog. Breeder: Mary Kobis. Owner: Mary Ann Flanagan.
- Danikk Rogan CD BN RN CGC Dog. Breeder: Dr Fran Smith DVM. Owner: Shirley Knutson.
- Lily Maxine Of Monitor Bitch. Breeder: Miguel & Dawn Vargas. Owner: Judy Johnson.
- Rhumbline Rebel Raider Alabama Dog. Breeder: Susan Carpenter. Owner: Daniel Johnson.
- Dock Side’s Fishin’ Off The Block Island Jetty Bitch. Breeder: Janet Huntley & Julie Quigley-Smith. Owner: Janet Huntley
- Andromeda of Split Rock CD BN RA NAP CGC Bitch. Breeder: Laura K. Bauver & Wesley P Bauver II. Owner: Laura K. Bauver & Wesley P Bauver II.
- Lickety Split Beyond the Limit Dog. Breeder: Kim Secter. Owner: Teresa Koziatek.
- Rhumbline’s Rambling Dakota Bitch. Breeder: Susan Carpenter. Owner: Mary Horne.
- WindyCanyon’s Don’t Stop Believin Bitch. Breeder: Anne Swindeman. Owner: Nicole Wellington.
- Rhumbline’s Golden Hawk Bitch. Breeder: Susan Carpenter. Owner: Marianne Mineo.
- Rhumbline’s Scuttlebutt CDX MX MXJ Bitch. Breeder: Susan Carpenter. Owner: Elisa Calabrese.
The Labrador Retriever Club of Greater Boston, July 20, 2014 view recipients here
2014 National Amateur Retriever Championship, June 14, 2014, Roseburg, OR
- FC AFC Bluenorth’s Rock Hard Ten, MH, QAA, WCX, SR 517035/02, Barb Radtke
- FC AFC Gunstock’s Topshelf Snap Decisions, SR 494133/08, Yvonne and Charlie Hays
- FC Ebb Tide’s Ode to Iris Soul, SR 486787/03, Laura and Kirk Lillebo
- AFC Rockliffs Justdoit, SR 495540/14, Sally and Paul Foster
- CAFC Jazztime Bluegoose’s Rugar, SR 583970/01, Larry and Anna Clavert
- Nebo’s Onyx Princess; Al Wilson
- AFC Fargo’s Texas Lexus, SR 313035/04, Wayne Stupka
- Wind River SST, MH, QA2, SR 532471/08, Sharon Collins
- Black Cherry Soda, SR 715662/05, Karen Young
- FC Dottie Ray’s Blue 4 You, SR63162/03, Andrew Kahn
- FC AFC Lubys and Whitewaters Pirate’s Jewel, SR559263/05, Jeff Schuett and Lydia Fekula
- AFC CAFC Jazztime Bluegoose’s Skatch; SR521485/02, Larry Clavert
2013 National Amamteur Retriever Championship, June 15, 2013, Eau Claire, WI
- FC Castlebay Abe’s Cranberry Rum, SR 443918/03, Lynora Budd
- AFC Mitimat Rock Paper Scissors, SR 546617/06, Lydia Fekula
- AFC Dominators Dealer He’s Worth It, SR 252412/02, Vern and Kathy Hasenbank
- FC AFC Hardscrabble Roxie McBunn, SR 353880/05, William Benson
- FC AFC B Bumble, SR 586169/02, Fred Kampo
- FC AFC Star Spangled Girl II, MH, SR 307179/02, Alice Woodyard
- NAFC FC Cody Cut A Lean Grade, SR 160826/01, Chad Baker
- NAFC FC Paddle Creek’s Pack Your Grip, SR 458831/03, Chad Baker
- Candlewood’s Bucky’s Lucky, SR 157772/03, Lydia Fekula
- FC AFC Lanes Get Ready to Rumble, SR387508/08, Bobby Lane